The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

12 Seymour Daily Tribune, Seymour, Indiana Thursday, July 20, 1989 4-H And not a moment too soon Most of us have forgotten the "best years of our They Most of us have forgotten the "best years of our Hves." Those of us who are lucky, that isK j. 4t I r-s A I ,1 I i r- i weretheteenageyearsrand they- were- the best because txt parents told us thattheyere the and in the Disneyland of life. Someone fed us, took care of Us, made our decisions and protected us from the real world." was the piddling little matter of how we looked. If we didn't dress and come from the same, economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds as the "cookie-cutter cliques, we were sent to the Siberia of society. Oh, and those pesky little pressures that seemed to hover over our heads like gnats around'pota-to salad.

The need for a car the team (any rejection from falling behind in school and failing. They were golden years, all right Oh sure, your parents were. -acting realljrweird, like one mi- nute they said you were an adult and should act like one, and the next minute they were sending you to your room and hanging up the phone while you were talking on Sometimes they said they could hardly wait until you left home; the next they'd freak out if you missed the dinner And someone was always presenting v)du with your daily report cara Are you keeping up with your brother or sister at that you progressing through life at the same pace as your mother and father? It's Tuesday, the day after graduation do you know, what you want to do with the jest of your life? You're'sweVeryone has but-yoiw Always in the back of your Photo by Extension Service Scolt Benter, first in regular: tractor. Before pictures were taken, senior winners had competed and left when it began to rain. Junior winners in the 4-H tractor eon-test are, from left, front, Craig Pollert, first; Jason Lucas, second; and Jeffrey Lucas, third, in compact tractor; and women's self-esteem plummets -Copyright, 1989.

ErmaBQm- beck, Universal A Campers club has; disaster training Larry Nigh gave a Disaster Aid Training program when Knob Lake Campers Club 47 of Jackson County had a campout at Knight-, stown. Bob and Mary Nigh -and Earl and Judy Cozart were hosts'. Nigh discussed traffic accidents, removal of victims and vehicles and how to make re; ports. Attending were 35 adults, four children and guests John and Debbie Christian of Richmond, Larry, Carol, Andrea and Barbie Nigh of Carthage and Kelly Ray of Ferinsylvania. Kerm Welhver presented a re vised constitution and campout guidelines.

Games were played. Winners were Earl and Gertrude Grin stead, Rheba Robison, Bob Napier, Ellsworth LaMaster and Teresa Cozart. The next meeting will be at Ceraland. Natural windbreak ATLANTA (AP) A tree barrier often can reduce wind speeds by more than half according to Georgia-Pacific a fores.t productfirm. Planted to protect homes froni chilling and eroding winds, windbreaks usually are formed by trees with dense, heavy foligage -and low branches.

These include beech, sweet gum, cedars, hemlocks and have opened a savings account for your child and forgotten about it. Perhaps a relative opened an account many years ago and ney-i er told you. A deceased family member may have had an insurance policy that the family did hot know existed." Although most accounts are small, it is. surprising how many larger accounts are being held. New York State settled one claim for more than $900,000.

A Florida woman claimed a $112,000 account. Amounts that size are unusual, but it is not uncommon -for accounts $30,000. Inone case a man died and left a $28,000 insurance policy that his-widow never knew he had purchased. Most people are truly surprised when they learn that their name appears on a state list. These funds "could be a windfall, verv mucn like a state lottery, except -in this-caseyou-may already be a-winner.

The guide that tells you how. to find out if any of the 50 states is" holding money that belongs to you can be obtained by sending $1-along with a stamped, self-addressed, business-size en-, yelope to: Unclaimed Money Guide; P.O. Box 3065-NP, Pough-keepsie, N.Y. 12603. There are no additional charges.

This is Ann talking The guide contains the addresses and tele' phone numbers of every state office that handles these records and tells you exactly how to go about learning if you have anything coming. Many of you who are reading this now have money coming to you that is rightfully yours. I hope that those who send for the "Un claimed Money Guide" and find their names" among those listed will let me know about their good, fortune. -rf-1989, Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Creators Syndicate Senior compact tractor Tony Peters, second. Junior regular, tractor Chad Darlage, second; Scott Teipen, third.

Junior compact tractor Jason Lucas, Jeffrey Lucas, third. Winners advance to the area contest to be held July 29 at the County Fairgrounds, Columbus. Other placings were Senior regular tractor Tyler Wischmeier, fourth. Junior regular tractor Greg Peters, fourth; Jason Lucas, fifth; Jeffrey Lucas, sixth; Craig Building set-up The 4-H Council, 4-H leaders and 4-H Junior Leaders will meet 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Jackson County Fairgrounds.

The Council will meet from 7. p.m. to 7:45 p.m.. Leaders will meet from 7:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Junior Leaders will meet from 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. When not meeting, members of all three groups will help ready the 4-H Building for the fair. Makin' Trax Project requirements for the fair were discussed when Makin' Trax club met July 11 at the home of leader Jennifer Jaynes. Members wrote irriaginery radio ads about their positive characteristics, and the group tried- todecide-who-wrote each- -ad.

Schepman and Jeremy Gray led in pledges. 4-H T-shirts wereordered, -throughia donation-from 4he family. Thea-Wienhorst led devotions. At the next meeting, members will paint trash barrels for the fair and discuss projects. Happy Hearts Three demonstrations were given when Happy Hearts club jriet July 12 at Jackson-Jennings Farm Bureau Co-op.

Brandon Combs' topic was leaves. Steven Kidd's topic was clothing. Grant Siekfer's topic was model rocketry (aerospace). Scott Darlage gave devotions. Grant Siefker served cookies and soft drinks.

Erma Oombeck -v. Syndicated humorist- mind is the real world, that enigma behind the ominous black door that reveals the unknown. Is the "real world" worse than having your bicycle, ripped off? Worse than peer pressure to do drugs and outdrink your contemporaries? Horror of horrors what if you don't make it out there and have to come home again? They were the fun years, all right. you could ignore the guilt of disappointing your pa-i rents because you didn't have a job.T.disappointing your grand parents because you never called disappointing your friends because you became serious and boring. There were a lot of laughs during those times if you could forget the depression of doing the best you could in school and still being wait -listed for a college you never hear of.

(And worse You barely knew what wait-listed meant!) The best years of your life the twilight zone where teenagers walk a tightrope from -childhood to maturity. Too afraid to look down to see if there's a net they are virtually alone, putting foot in front of the other, inch byllnch, as they defy peer and parental pressureel-Mlicted doubts and the sheer terror of falling. is Penny I picked her up 48 years ago and it was the best pick of the century. Sign me LUCKY IN RIVERSIDE, CALIF. DEAR READERS: You know me well enough to be "sure that do not go in for borderline or flaky operations.

I received an interesting article from a reader. After checking it out and finding it strictly to be on the up and up, I wanted to share it with you. Here is the piece. It's Your Claim It Each year millions of dollars are turned over to each state government because the owners can- not be- located Last-year4his totaled over $569 million, with New York State alone receiving over $206 million: One out of 10 Americans has losFmoney in bank-accounts, stock dividends, life in-: -suranceT-wages-and Irom many-other sources. The money is considered abandoned when a company cannot locate the owner after two to seven years, depending on the state.

Most states will hold this money forever until it is claimed by the rightful owners, their descendants or their rightful heirs. The states act as custodian and will return these monies without charge if your name is on state abandoned property list. The New York State list alone includes over 6 million names. Although each state claims that an effort is made to locate the rightful owners, it is question1--, able how much effort is truly made. (The state of California could not find its former governor, Edmund G.

Brown or Lucille Ball. General Motors, Exxon and IBM also could not -be located by other states.) Some of this money could belong to you. You may have moved and forgotten to give your new address tea bankran company or a corporation in which you owned stock. You may lacquer thinner and then a final coat of lacquer. There is a large stain on our dining room table: Thave since learned that I should not have placed a plastic container on the wood; that it caused some kind of chemical reaction.

Can this stain be removed? Most of the -time, re-finishing the wood is the only good solution. But vou mav be able to disguise the stain quite at" Pollert, seventh; Nevin eighth. Junior compact Scott Benter, fourth; Nevin Hallow, fifth; Greg Peters, sixth; Dustin Steward, seventh; Joseph Darlage, eighth. Contestants took a written test given by Mary Jo Crees, extension summer assistant, and a driving test conducted by Bill Baute, "'4-H. tractor leader; Richard Beckort, extension farm agent; and Orville Baute.

4-H'ers 10 to 13 years compete at the junior level. Those 14 and above compete at the'senior level. Childless Dear Ann Landers: I know from experience how heartbreaking it is to want a baby and riot be able to conceive. The emotional pain and frustration are indescribable. You cannot look at pregnant women without bursting into tears and they seem to be everywhere.

Your self-esteem plummets to zero. You try every gimmick suggested by well-meaning friends any drink, food, body position, folk medicine, witchcraft anything you ever read or heard about, on the outside chance that it just might work. You go from one gynecologist to another. The medical bills are horrendous You putyourself and- your husband through every test known to modern medicine. The anxiety and tension mount with each disappointment.

Making bec6mesmeehanical and joyless. The pleasure you once around the calendar and a basal thermometer, What I want to say I am unable to say comfortably, face-to-face to the couples I know who are going through this agony. Since you are the only forum that provides anonymity for ordinary people such as myself, I'm hoping that you will print my message. I became pregnant when I gave up trying. After years of desperation, I threwin the towel.

Five months later I was pregnant. It wasn't until my second pregnancy that I realized why we had such a terrible time. were trying too hard. When we decided to go back to enjoying ourselves, it happened. JANE IN SOUTH JERSEY DEAR JANE Thank you for a letter that makes a great deal of sense.

I have long been convinced that what goes on in the mind can have a powerful effect on the body. Too much pressure can be a strongly inhibiting factor. You Tractor contest Mark Wiesehan was first in both senior regular tractor and senior compact tractor categories in "the 4-H tractor contest held amid rainstorms, at the Jackson-Jennings- Farm Bureau Co-op lot west of Seymour on 50. 1 Scott Benter was first in the junior regular tractor and Craig Pollert was first in the junior compact tractor categories. Other winners were: Senior regular -tractor, Tony.

Peters, second; Tim Wis-chmeier, third. Cheerful Bluebirds Demonstrations were given by Melissa Wischmeier on Raspberry Cooler and by Heidi Hackman on Self-image when' Wegan Cheerful Bluebirds met July 11 at Wegan auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hinnefeld showed, slides on the Nether-' lands.

Melissa Wischmeier gave the; health and safety lesson on fires. Lisa Klinge gave devotions. Snacks were served by the Extension Homemakers club. The next meeting will be Oct. 4.

Invited to Purdue The Boilermakers of Purdue "University have Tinvited parents and friends to a day oil the West Lafayette campus on Sept. 9. On this 4-H Day, the families" can attend the Purdue Miami of Ohio jootball game at a reduced price of $10 each: The price also; "includes a Dbrk sandwich pfO' vided by Indiana Pork Pro- ducers. The program, to begin at 10 a.m. EST and to end at the final buzzer of the game, will feature speakers and a tour of the Purdue athletic facilities.

There will be a salute to 4-H by the Purdue Ail-American Marching Band and a special pep rally led by Purdue cheerleaders. Past members of the 4-H Band can use this time as a reunion. Aug. 15 is the deadline for ticket, reservations. For reservations or more information on 4-H Day at Purdue, contact the Jackson County office of the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service.

V. Sandra Tatlock Gary Weddell July 29 lamrny Eggetnarr Greg Jones August 12-a. 1 Belinda Fleetwood: David LeMasters T-ug Kelly Wesnef-. Tammy Self Kent Ford Michael Wisctmiew August 12 August 12: Lis? Fleetwood Tom Martin Brad 'July 21 Ann Landers Syndicated advice columnist have pointed this out in a most compelling way and I thank you. Dear Ann Landers: Recently you printed a letterirom a reader who wanted to know what to do about a nonstop telephone pest -wha4ook-up-endless- hours-with-drivel.

I'll tell you how I handle such bores. I disconnect in "the middle of a sentence (mine, not theirs). Then I leave thephonebff the hook," so if they try to call me back the line -is busy. ANONNYMUS DEAR NONN: Sorry, I don't think much of your idea. Are you related to the woman who wrote the next letters? Dear Ann Landers: too, used to be bothered by long-winded friends who telephoned at times when it was convenient forthem but not for me.

I had an extra long telephone' cord put on my phone so it reached to the front door. Whenever an interminable talker called I gave her five minutes, then I'd walk (phone in hand) to the front door and ring the bell. "Sorry," I would say, "my guests have arrived a little early. I must go now." It's a perfect out and no feel-. ings are hurt; OHIO READER DEAR OHIO: To each his own, but I still believe the best approach is to be honest and forthright.

Dear Ann Landers: Can you stand one more letter about picking up a penny? My wife's name it in any way but it sounds as though only a cleaning may be in jjrder. Try wiping 4he bureau with denatured alcohol, it on a small section first and, if if seems to be doing the job all right, go ahead with the rest of the piece. If the finish- is varnish or lacquer, the alcohol will clean alXthe.qld finish, apply a coat of WAL-MART JSridal IKeyistry Lisa Huls Angie Gray Rachaelle Bryant Goforth Tony Langdon -Mark Hensley July ITrf 29 M.ff Here's -Jeanna-Callahan-Jetf Ritchie August Arlene TurmaiJ Tonia Klosterfnan Earl Ayers. Wayne Arnholt August 19 Aug, 19. Carla Faron August Melissa Jaynes Jeflery Brewer July 29.

Saundra Tracy Joseph Roberts August 5 Michele Rigsby Chris Douglas August 5 Draper Dan Butler upst-lt- Erin McCoy Rachel Day Marshall Rovaltv Lee Skaggs "ZZAugusr 12- Anijust-W Patty Mdntosh. Pat Hensley Gary Bell August 19' Taylor Franklin Tina Keith" Pat Luedeman Aug. '26 Lora Kelly McDonald Paul David Bolte August 26 19 Rhonda McEltresh Rodger Lewis September 9 Mary Elkins Grant Perry September 9 Kint teaman Kenny Everage September 29 Angie Ashcraft Mike Brown November 4 r-; Caniier Clarence L. Garrett Jr. September 23 Janelle Nehrt EB.

Rawles Oct. 21 p.m.; Open 9 a.m.-9 p.rn. by ANDY LANG AP Newsfeatures Q. -1 picked up an old bed- room bureau at an auction. The auctioneer never; actually said it was an antique, but he did say it was very old.

The finish on it appears to be in good condition exeept-it is quite dirtyr-When-I asked what the finish, was, the Debbie Vogel John Carroll -September 9 Melinda Emily Robin Comett Garry Bedel David Perry August 26 September 2 well by using a paste wax applied and wiped with fine steel wool; Rub carefully back1" arid working with the grain wood. Wipe off the excess wax! immediately with a clean, dry' cloth. Should the stain be verj; large, work in small sections urt! til the entire'area has been handj' ledThe small sections should about one square foot each. If you'1 are dissatisfied with the result; then a refinishing is necessary but the attempted camouflage', treatment will have done no' damage. Erica Collier Renee boiton Graver Hanners Trent Bogard September September 9 --RutrBenter Jeff Pollen September Rachel Bowling Larry Rollins Jr.

September 30 Chris Cornwell Jeff Crane October 21 Open Sunday 12:30 p.m.-5.30 9- man said it undoubtedly was var- it well. If the finish is shellac, the hish but he couldn't be sure. Re- alcohol may cut into it a bit, but gardless of what the finish is, can you still will be able to refinish I remove it and put on a new fin- the bureau with Should ish without harming the bureau? you desire to apply a lacquer in-A. You should be able to re- you are better off to remove the bureau without hurting.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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